Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Re-entering Blogville

In the lost episodes to my blog, I workshopped my Project 1 prompt with a tutor at the writing center, passed out my prompt, and assigned an experimental Thought of the Week Journal for my class. Here is the prompt:

This week, we discussed Tan's "Mother Tongue" and Anzaldua's "How to Tame a Wild Tongue." In regards to the latter, the essay is not a conventional text: it makes unexpected demands on the reader. The text is, as Anzaldua says elsewhere in her book, "an assemblage, a montage, a beaded work, ...a crazy dance." In response to the conversations that Tan and Anzaldua address (discourse communities and voice to name a few), I invite you to create a body of text that uniquely represents you.

I also made a video, which I will post here that does more than words can when I think about this experimental Journal #4.

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